Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Gap between Chinese parent and their American born child


"我們這一代真有點悲哀,小時候學到的是, 要聽父母老師的話,長大學到的是,要尊重聆聽孩子的話,請問一下,那誰來聽我們的話啊?"

Be very careful about this! You sound like a traditional "Chinese Mother-In-law" waiting for your turn to torture a future "Daughter-In-law". Why do you need somebody to listen to you?

You should be happy your child is able to be independent with a trustable maturity, which is also a proof of your good teaching and family education fostering a good child that could earned your trust. The best way is train yourself to have them willing to take your advise as the same way they take advice from their friends. We all are parents in learning process.

As a same background of you, I did not support we need to copy everything tradition passed down to us, most of them are good, but not everything. Many of the teachings from tradition are not suitable to modern day's life, we need to admit that such as numbers of wives vs. one husband was legal in the past. Do you like this to past down to your marriage today?

Adjust whatever we need to have the rule fit into our lives better as long as it bring harmonious relationship to our family.

My daughter called 911 during Spring break, because we asked her do more work that school did not assigned and her reason is Spring break is for taking a break and not for continue to work. She is tired of tons of homework during regular school days and excited for a break time finally do not need to work for any school work. Be honest, I sort of agree with her.

編輯內容 Nancy Liu's reading room 2008/5/7 上午 03

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