Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The Death of Famous Chinese -- 張愛玲

Acetone:2008/05/07 10:12:54

I write my concern on my blog about different issues. What you said is interested that hybrid car owner here is focus on saving expense and has 100% to do with $環保$ and how can that become a car owned by rich people in Taiwan. Are they owning hybrid car for the purpose of saving expense or spending more money?

When you zoom out of your eyes-scope looking at this issue, you probably can see how much of gasoline can be saved by any other energy alternatives while three big countries now sharing same sources to supply their operation of industry and consuming of gasoline usage for cars everyday. And we haven't count all other smaller countries that need gasoline at the same time.

USA is a big country like China and Russia that going anywhere need driving car, which is not like Taiwan actually people can take mass transportation to go to any destination. This is probably what you said about those rich people in Taiwan actually do not need drive a car but they own hybrid car for showing off. This is too much.I take bus or mass transportation every time I go back Taiwan visiting my mother.

While answering your question, I do find people in Taiwan has different aspect of viewing and thinking the issues that many countries concerned. The articles in my blog show the issues I concern as a Chinese and an American. 柏楊 is a famous Chinese writer and civil right activist that American don't know him. In deed, Americans don't know and don't care anything about Asia. But, I am both.

柏楊 supposedly need to be placed on the blog of my reading room; however, I think his death is so important to me because my father sort of forcing us to read his articles when we are little kid, he then became a person growing up with us; and those snobbish others in other countries should know how much work that Chinese spend two centuries to work on civil right while we knew theirs, so I placed it on my major blog. Chinese always learn about other countries' writers and their history; in the meantime, they are too snobbish to know any little of ours. Don't you agree?

This topic about the death of a famous Chinese has another example to discuss.

張愛玲 (Zhang, Ai-Ling) is a very famous Chinese writer and don't tell me you don't know her. Do you know how she died in L.A. in 2001? As the photo pictures shown on newspaper, she died in a small renting apartment with a folding bed, and write her articles on the top of unopened cartoon boxes. In her late life, she kept moving from apartment to apartment. Can you image a such Chinese icon died in L.A. with the living condition like this?

Chinese always belittle each other among Chinese. 張愛玲 probably is a victim of this culture to died in such condition with the fame of an Icon status in Chinese literacy field.

How ugly are we as her reader? The whole Chinese society fell to promote and introduce her outstanding work to the world and fell to provide a seasonable living condition to such talented writer, and even worse is people steal her work for the money of income should originally belong to her.

I do wish I could have read her book before her death, for I do think she deserve an Icon title among Chinese or we should said among all writers in this world with her thoughts laid in her articles do provide an unique and outstanding insight in illustrating human's soul while other writers can not reach the same height of hers when I reading her book now, plus such long lasting fame and popularity; even though, she belong to the era of WWII survivor.

Have you decide to belittle me now?

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