Thursday, April 24, 2008



I have search on web and found 尤克強 e-column and currently I am reading on. I am not say I like this writer, buy I am evaluate the style suit me or not. He became a channel in discovering English poems to me. Thank you for your sharing, so I can find more writer's article to read, for I have left Taiwan for too long and there are too many new writers I am not familiar with or any new book from those author I used to enjoy reading their work. Talking about new author, I am sort of switch to China looking for the quality where I can still find that kind of Chinese scholar style of quality of literature work.

This is the loneliness I am talking about what makes me keep searching on that include my attendance of Church Sunday worship; these all are the inner drive that reflecting as human's desire to look for a better quality of spiritual life. Literature, art, music, religion....any form of beauty. I am currently exploring the art of building (architecture)and hopefully I would have the chance to do so. Carefully do your recommendation, because your work do work for me.

By the way, there is one thing I would like to have your idea to explain it, which poems I read so far translated by 尤克強, I would said the poem being translated in Chinese are way beautiful than the original English sentences. Is my English literature level limits my appreciation to those poems written in English, or that is because Chinese scholar's translation work is way above professional? I am very honest to express and display my opinion about the translation work between the language of Chinese and English. Can this be accounted as a peculiar point of view?
Thank you for your sharing again.

編輯內容 Nancy Liu's reading room 2008/4/22 上午 02:19:46
Posted by Nancy Liu at 1:33 PM 0 comments

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