Thursday, May 29, 2008

Freak about American's middle class syndrome - I

I put this short article above of this Taiwanese Chinese poet is to symbolize the vulnerability and the typically innocent quality that Chinese usually has about this country as they think of Haven on this earth. Plus, the way Taiwanese fond todeny their cultural identify as Chinese is my consideration of placing this article here.

Many Chinese, well, in deed that includes people all over the world that has never had any chance to understand or even just think of the problem about self-identification in USA before they apply for immigrating to this country they dream of for a long time.

Malcolm X, a famous black civil right activist, had declared long time ago in 1960 to educated the young black African American about the fact they faced: "America isthe white man's country, and the whites don't want you here and will never give youequal citizenship. But it must always be remembered that our blood is here, ournames are here, our fate is here, in a land we helped to invent...... ".

By reading the struggles that Blacks in America had encountered in such bitterness that enduring for such long period of time; being a citizen of different race ratherthan black and white in this country need to be always carefully study the sensitivityof this issue as well as the approachable solution that history teach us.

That contained invaluable wisdom through numerous people's effort working on justifythe imbalance and eliminating the hatred between different races in this country throughout many generations. We really need to be thankful of living in 21 centurywhen all of these all passed."Malcolm preached the necessity of being African at the complete expense of ourAmerican selves, a love of the misty past at the cost of our actual lives, ourtriumphs, our sufferings in the New World......

"Being confident to assuring a positive attitude to the identity about who you are iswhat I would share with Taiwanese Chinese and all others has doubt and uncertainabout this issue, for I think it is a valuable lesson we all need to learn.

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