Thursday, May 29, 2008

Freak about American's middle class syndrome - I

I put this short article above of this Taiwanese Chinese poet is to symbolize the vulnerability and the typically innocent quality that Chinese usually has about this country as they think of Haven on this earth. Plus, the way Taiwanese fond todeny their cultural identify as Chinese is my consideration of placing this article here.

Many Chinese, well, in deed that includes people all over the world that has never had any chance to understand or even just think of the problem about self-identification in USA before they apply for immigrating to this country they dream of for a long time.

Malcolm X, a famous black civil right activist, had declared long time ago in 1960 to educated the young black African American about the fact they faced: "America isthe white man's country, and the whites don't want you here and will never give youequal citizenship. But it must always be remembered that our blood is here, ournames are here, our fate is here, in a land we helped to invent...... ".

By reading the struggles that Blacks in America had encountered in such bitterness that enduring for such long period of time; being a citizen of different race ratherthan black and white in this country need to be always carefully study the sensitivityof this issue as well as the approachable solution that history teach us.

That contained invaluable wisdom through numerous people's effort working on justifythe imbalance and eliminating the hatred between different races in this country throughout many generations. We really need to be thankful of living in 21 centurywhen all of these all passed."Malcolm preached the necessity of being African at the complete expense of ourAmerican selves, a love of the misty past at the cost of our actual lives, ourtriumphs, our sufferings in the New World......

"Being confident to assuring a positive attitude to the identity about who you are iswhat I would share with Taiwanese Chinese and all others has doubt and uncertainabout this issue, for I think it is a valuable lesson we all need to learn.

Monday, May 12, 2008

張愛玲 Narrative non-fiction collection 1939-1947

林潤崧的書房 (136) since:2007/06/18

I am recently reading 張愛玲's book. In one chapter she mentioned about overseas Chinese is actually a homeless in the bottom of their mind. I have never think of this way before; even though, I am always arguing with Americans here that people shouting at each other asking one another "Go back to your country!"

Whites from all different country, black, native Indian, Hispanic, all different people from Central America, South America, Asia......People always shouting and jealous at each other in USA...fighting ...riot...

Therefore, American are more open mind to talk about this; Since everybody all come from different places. Sometimes, this topic drive me crazy and then I finally feel tired and decided to drop this debatable and controversial subject.

Now, after reading 張愛玲's book, I think I could understand you and other Chinese who live in the South Asia that a certain population was spread to that area from China during WWII. From time to time, people in Taiwan can read news from south Asia about Chinese in that area has encountered many sad stories.

Hope you and other Chinese will feel better that Chinese in USA need to suffer and can share the same confusion about self-identification and cultural orientation as people like you in South Asia. Even though I do hear some newcomers from Korea or some other countries claimed that they think USA is the heaven on earth, the paradise of this planet; well, I knew they are new here and once they been here long enough they will learn how to shout to others. Hopefully, by the time they pick up how to shout to others they haven't completely gone crazy by living in such paradise. Well, positively thinking of this country is still a place I can chase something I want; even though, it is might be weird in other people's eyes.

We all need to hanging on God, this is probably the only thing we can do and hope for to live our lives.

2008/5/13 上午 09:20:07

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Teaching the "How-to" be happy.



One generation supposely should be better than the last one; but it really depends on how you arrange your life. When I was little as a student oftenly being asked the question like this or read article subjected on this.

Neither of my parent nor my teachers demo the way of finding happiness or working into a field that I will feel happy to. Our educational system only provide the topic, but lack of explaination and demostration of how-to.

Now I am a mid-aged adult, and I am so regret that in my life has never had a person given me a help to understand "how-to" reach a dream. The process of working on a dream is long and dreadful, plus there is no one in an ordinary person's life would list out the "how-to".
Being a teacher, what would you think of my essay.

願 --- 作者:蔣勳

A beautful poem from the memory of my young age....

我願是滿山的杜鵑 只為一次無憾的春天

我願是繁星 捨給一個夏天的夜晚

我願是千萬條江河 流向唯一的海洋

我願是那月 為你 再一次圓滿

如果你是島嶼 我願是環抱你的海洋

果你張起了船帆 我願是輕輕吹動的風浪

如果你遠行 我願是那路 準備了平坦 隨你去到遠方

當你走累了 我願是夜晚 是路旁的客棧 有乾淨的枕席 供你睡眠

眠中有夢 我就是你枕上的淚痕

我願是手臂 讓你依靠

雖然白髮蒼蒼 我仍願是你腳邊的爐火 與你共話回憶的老年

你是笑 我是應和你的歌聲
你是淚 我是陪伴你的星光

當你埋葬土中 我願是依伴你的青草

你成灰 我便成塵

如果 如果你對此生還有眷戀我就再許一願 與你結來世的因緣

The Death of Famous Chinese -- 張愛玲

Acetone:2008/05/07 10:12:54

I write my concern on my blog about different issues. What you said is interested that hybrid car owner here is focus on saving expense and has 100% to do with $環保$ and how can that become a car owned by rich people in Taiwan. Are they owning hybrid car for the purpose of saving expense or spending more money?

When you zoom out of your eyes-scope looking at this issue, you probably can see how much of gasoline can be saved by any other energy alternatives while three big countries now sharing same sources to supply their operation of industry and consuming of gasoline usage for cars everyday. And we haven't count all other smaller countries that need gasoline at the same time.

USA is a big country like China and Russia that going anywhere need driving car, which is not like Taiwan actually people can take mass transportation to go to any destination. This is probably what you said about those rich people in Taiwan actually do not need drive a car but they own hybrid car for showing off. This is too much.I take bus or mass transportation every time I go back Taiwan visiting my mother.

While answering your question, I do find people in Taiwan has different aspect of viewing and thinking the issues that many countries concerned. The articles in my blog show the issues I concern as a Chinese and an American. 柏楊 is a famous Chinese writer and civil right activist that American don't know him. In deed, Americans don't know and don't care anything about Asia. But, I am both.

柏楊 supposedly need to be placed on the blog of my reading room; however, I think his death is so important to me because my father sort of forcing us to read his articles when we are little kid, he then became a person growing up with us; and those snobbish others in other countries should know how much work that Chinese spend two centuries to work on civil right while we knew theirs, so I placed it on my major blog. Chinese always learn about other countries' writers and their history; in the meantime, they are too snobbish to know any little of ours. Don't you agree?

This topic about the death of a famous Chinese has another example to discuss.

張愛玲 (Zhang, Ai-Ling) is a very famous Chinese writer and don't tell me you don't know her. Do you know how she died in L.A. in 2001? As the photo pictures shown on newspaper, she died in a small renting apartment with a folding bed, and write her articles on the top of unopened cartoon boxes. In her late life, she kept moving from apartment to apartment. Can you image a such Chinese icon died in L.A. with the living condition like this?

Chinese always belittle each other among Chinese. 張愛玲 probably is a victim of this culture to died in such condition with the fame of an Icon status in Chinese literacy field.

How ugly are we as her reader? The whole Chinese society fell to promote and introduce her outstanding work to the world and fell to provide a seasonable living condition to such talented writer, and even worse is people steal her work for the money of income should originally belong to her.

I do wish I could have read her book before her death, for I do think she deserve an Icon title among Chinese or we should said among all writers in this world with her thoughts laid in her articles do provide an unique and outstanding insight in illustrating human's soul while other writers can not reach the same height of hers when I reading her book now, plus such long lasting fame and popularity; even though, she belong to the era of WWII survivor.

Have you decide to belittle me now?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Gap between Chinese parent and their American born child


"我們這一代真有點悲哀,小時候學到的是, 要聽父母老師的話,長大學到的是,要尊重聆聽孩子的話,請問一下,那誰來聽我們的話啊?"

Be very careful about this! You sound like a traditional "Chinese Mother-In-law" waiting for your turn to torture a future "Daughter-In-law". Why do you need somebody to listen to you?

You should be happy your child is able to be independent with a trustable maturity, which is also a proof of your good teaching and family education fostering a good child that could earned your trust. The best way is train yourself to have them willing to take your advise as the same way they take advice from their friends. We all are parents in learning process.

As a same background of you, I did not support we need to copy everything tradition passed down to us, most of them are good, but not everything. Many of the teachings from tradition are not suitable to modern day's life, we need to admit that such as numbers of wives vs. one husband was legal in the past. Do you like this to past down to your marriage today?

Adjust whatever we need to have the rule fit into our lives better as long as it bring harmonious relationship to our family.

My daughter called 911 during Spring break, because we asked her do more work that school did not assigned and her reason is Spring break is for taking a break and not for continue to work. She is tired of tons of homework during regular school days and excited for a break time finally do not need to work for any school work. Be honest, I sort of agree with her.

編輯內容 Nancy Liu's reading room 2008/5/7 上午 03