Thursday, April 24, 2008



I have search on web and found 尤克強 e-column and currently I am reading on. I am not say I like this writer, buy I am evaluate the style suit me or not. He became a channel in discovering English poems to me. Thank you for your sharing, so I can find more writer's article to read, for I have left Taiwan for too long and there are too many new writers I am not familiar with or any new book from those author I used to enjoy reading their work. Talking about new author, I am sort of switch to China looking for the quality where I can still find that kind of Chinese scholar style of quality of literature work.

This is the loneliness I am talking about what makes me keep searching on that include my attendance of Church Sunday worship; these all are the inner drive that reflecting as human's desire to look for a better quality of spiritual life. Literature, art, music, religion....any form of beauty. I am currently exploring the art of building (architecture)and hopefully I would have the chance to do so. Carefully do your recommendation, because your work do work for me.

By the way, there is one thing I would like to have your idea to explain it, which poems I read so far translated by 尤克強, I would said the poem being translated in Chinese are way beautiful than the original English sentences. Is my English literature level limits my appreciation to those poems written in English, or that is because Chinese scholar's translation work is way above professional? I am very honest to express and display my opinion about the translation work between the language of Chinese and English. Can this be accounted as a peculiar point of view?
Thank you for your sharing again.

編輯內容 Nancy Liu's reading room 2008/4/22 上午 02:19:46
Posted by Nancy Liu at 1:33 PM 0 comments

The beauty of literature

Beautiful Quotes from I-Reading:

Kyle的書房 (1721) since:2007/05/20

曾經有人提及: 博學是知識的儲水池, 而非知識的源頭。 每一個人在自己的生活中和閱讀的書本中, 可以萃煉許多的經驗與汲取眾多的知識, 漸漸形成一個人的聰明才智, 有的人敝帚自珍吝於分享, 有的人開放心胸大方分享, 前者的才華如同一池死水漸漸喪失生命力, 後者的智慧如同青春之源滋潤眾生。

Writing is an art, like other formations of art. Here are some of writing reflect of artistic writing in Chinese as we sometimes can see advanced English literal writing that reflect writer's decent level of talented writing skills and the wised mind behind the words and sentences.In many reading materials, I always can see the belief as of whatever language Western world can not read or understand the beauty of that language, and then that culture or civilization equals non-existing. In contrary to the Westerns, I felt good I can appreciated the beauty of Chinese language and the fantastic asset of its culture, for sometimes they provides various extra space for me to enjoy the spiritual richness more than others can.
-Nancy Liu

追求專業風采的天蠍的書房 (1367) since:2007/05/18


身為讀者,對於"主動閱讀的方式"的啟蒙: 作家以深刻厚實的作品,來提昇讀者的品味及素養,也是其想向讀者致敬的方式。

把人的生命當成一個寓言來看,那麼人的一生其實都在流亡。比如母親生下我們之後,我們被這外界的許許多多去推移、前進,其中一定有一些態度是可以用來自處及觀看世界的.看他如何展現流亡中的自在. 於是,書寫者走得多遠,我們就跟得多遠,而那時,我們自我的品質、觀看生命的方法也將有所不同。在紛亂動盪的世局下,小小的凡人終究會反應出一套屬於自己的生存方式,其中或許有些無奈,卻是人生最真實的寫照
。 ---Thinking about most of us all are one of this group of people.

-旅行為何如此迷人?讓人甘願葬身其中!有人說那是一種逃避,有人說那是一種轉移! 如果有時空因素,少年狂放、中年沈斂、老年蒼勁的心境起伏,那該是多麼複雜而迷人的一個心靈活動過程呀!....再讀"轉山"後記!領導者做對的事,經理人則把事情做對」。… 華倫.班尼斯(Warren Bennis)


-我正以自己的步調學習重新認識自己「是」什麼? 也許是一種有機會能溫暖人心的回憶和價值感!


-也許這就是歷史! 多年以後的今天﹐再三回顧我們走過的來時路依然看到這條路上的繁花似錦!

Do you believe this has became a field of science in USA, for the need of management in working place by psychological manupulation usually peopole who major in psychiatry will has lab work or project for this kind of subject?It is a very advanced new science in developed country; especially in USA. This is a mandatory training; especially for those people who being promoted to be in management level, they need to take training like this to have their infirior to obey their instruction at working place.It is a science. -Nancy Liu

Monday, April 21, 2008



The discussion section here is subject on this book but involved the 228 evnt in Taiwan's history.

You have alread read the new book of Ms. Lung,Yin-Tai which you can see how this tragedy has been taken care with mounument erected in the site of graveyard where victims were buried, and the Taipei's central park has already renamed to be 228 Memorial park as well as the payment has been paid to the victim or their relatives. How can government do more to end this subject to be used endlessly everytime when the election comes?
Solution to a problem is more important than endlessly talking about it. Any discussion is aimed to slove problems, discussion is not for gossip. People in Taiwan has been talking too much, and doing too little to form a systmatically thinking, training, and then doing the exactly problem solving work. You are still so young with very clear mind what I can see from your writing, wish you understand what I meant here.

編輯內容 Nancy Liu's reading room 2008/4/16 上午 04:00:43