Tuesday, October 27, 2009

European Fancy--- Baroque Art

I used to holding Chinese art exhibition collection book in my classroom of computer graphic and surprising how lucky I was different from the rest of classmates who did not have a culture background as I could have. This happened after I came to this diversified country, so I could have comparison of different cultures.

European culture strongly influenced this country completely which I mean including governmental structure, way of thinking, eating, almost covering everything. I knew this before I came to this country, but I still wondering what is the reason of being so.

Many different small kingdoms combined in a European Continent land, brainstorming art, governmental issue, the comfort of wealthy living which created a peak time of human achievement in art, math, science, ...... and in the meantime sending people whoever complain of under living life to overseas to be a pioneer of new life, which in deed solve the problem of revolution of poverty.

The wealth collection act started from 15th century till the end of 19th century, and even today they are still thinking how to explore more wealth from any corner of this planet. All of the treasure shipped from all corner of the world back to Europe to create such fancy and luxurious art display in cathedral, church, castle, palaces......throughout the whole Europe.

Endlessly breathtaking Wows can not stop me from the amazment of the beauty of Baroque Art. Meanwhile, I am not the first person thinking the underlying meaning of this almost perfect beauty of human art format.

What underlays to the European theory of perfection and the pride behind it while the whole world's treasure being shipped to this gorgeous land from 15th to 19th century?

"The ostentatious displays of material wealth pleasure of life was imbued with an awareness of the inevitability of death."

1920s, Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce complained about the insubstantiality of the style. Baroque was a game a search for ways to astonish. Inherently, in spite of all its superficial vibrancy and warmth, the baroque is ultimately frigid. For all the wealth and potency of its images combined, it leaves the viewer with a feeling of emptiness."

To a Chinese ordinary person like me, I do not have the feeling of emptiness by viewing this art work in buildings, sculptures, .....It is more like a record of humans art works and the levels of effort that human can achieve in transform humans imagination into a real stuff as buildings, art, painting, scrupture, music.......

Even though, I do fee lucky I am not living in that era that need to be deprived of my living standard to contribute to this performance. All of the illness, and poverty in centuries were put into this wealth display showcase. I wasn't those people laying on the cold icy street in snowy winter days with illness and die in hunger for no bread to eat.
The theory of perfection that reflect in human society through the eyes of rulers by their manipulation and control of their people...........I see this art as a record of human activity and their effort of surviving, their desire and passion of working toward perfection. The desire make them chasing for perfection and drive them attacking other countries, killing people, stealing from others, starving weaks........
The pride of such amazed achievements formed superior spirit of nationalism tornadoing the whole Europe and having two World Wars to be the cost paying the high respect to their exceeding outstandings. Two World Wars for the dangerous pride of perfection.

From East to West, I can not stop appraise the beauty of Baroque art with endless Wows for its high achievements beyond human's imagination........
Satan is the prettiest evil angel.